Butterflies, Moths and other insects
Let's paint pollinators!
October - Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th 10am - 4pm £80 (for two days) Watercolour experienced needed Insects are important pollinators and wonderful to study and paint. Choose from my huge collection of butterflies, moths, bees and other insects. Learn how to add the finest detail and colour to create your very own insect painting. Take a look under the microscope to see the close-up beauty of butterfly wings, insect eyes and antennae. Please ignore the booking schedule, this is a two day workshop 10am - 4pm both days! When arriving at Brackenwood for your workshop, please go straight to the back of the room where you will find a sliding door to the Art Room.
Bevorstehende Sessions
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Terms & Conditions JIB workshop bookings Booking policy: Your place is secure once you have paid in full online. Confirmation will be sent via email. Please ensure you fill in all your details when booking a workshop. Cancellation policy: I am unable to offer a refund unless I can rebook your place. In ‘exceptional circumstances’ a refund will be offered, please contact me directly to discuss this. Rules: We are a friendly group and I reserve the right to exclude trouble makers at any workshop. Postponement/Cancellation of workshop policy: If less than 5 students have booked the workshop I reserve the right to postpone or cancel the workshop. If for any reason the workshops needs to be cancelled, I will endeavour to reschedule the course. Should I be unable to reschedule, a refund will be issued to those booked.
Come to the art room at the back of the shop to the left, behind a sliding Brackenwood Plant & Garden Centre, Pill Rd, Bristol BS8 3RA, UK